TWINKLE SAWLANI FOUNDER OF RICH CHOCOLATIER TWINKLE.& CO-FOUNDER OF NEXUS SPACE . She is working professionally with more than six years in community enabling , Moderating communities (Moderating @ Starrup Angel 25k Member Community), Client relationships, Coworking setup and Operating, ( Co-Founder - Nexus Space) , Buisness setup and Operating, ( Founder of Rich chocolatier). And Social media management, Twinkle believe that , Building a business for success is dependant upon you from this point on, and whether or not you can believe enough in yourself to ignore the naysayers and survive the inevitable failures that lie ahead, Twinkle sawlani is Co-Founder of Nexus Space , A home to to corporates the world ,you would be welcome with a host premium like freshly brewed Coffee,convenience, Contemporarily Design spaces with recreation zone featuring, Carrom and darts And she is also Founder of Ric...