Meet Sachin Shigwan, a Social Entrepreneur, CSR Consultant and The Director of the Green India Initiative, also known as ‘The Solar Man of India’. He has pursued his MBA in Social Entrepreneurship from NMIMS, Mumbai and also recipient of Honorary Doctorate in Rural Development through Solar Energy. During his interview with Ms venture, Mr. Sachin Shigwan shares his humble journey from being a social enthusiast to becoming The Solar Man of India- “Back in 2009, I made visit to rural villages as part of a Rotary Club community development initiative. During the visit, I observed that students in these villages were studying under the dim light of kerosene lamps, evoking my childhood nostalgia. From then, I took an initiative of distributing solar powered lanterns to the underprivileged school students and since 2009, I started getting recognized within all stakeholders as ‘The Solar Man of India’. This revelation ignited a sense of satisfaction within me, inspiring the format...