Payel dey an Co founder of
RĂªver home creations.
The Indian startup ecosystem is the third largest in the world, and while it may not have a majority of women leading startups, the number of female led companies is growing at a fast pace.
Meet payel dey an
youngest software engineer
Co-founder of RĂªver home creations.
An interior designing company
She believe that her desire to build, create, and learn, surpasses my fear.
Every challenge she faced with now, becomes a greater experience of learning her true power.
RĂªver Home Creations is a perfect destination for people searching for high-quality interior decoration services with maintenance provider . They provide many services is on just one platform.. The one thing that sets our hype as an interior designing company is the maintenance services that they provide.

they are also India’s 1st interior decoration company with a maintenance provider.
people are concerned about the high budget concerned with it, this is where they stand by there customers providing them premium services at a very reasonable rate.
And they provide trending being a 25% off on wooden furniture and luxury furniture shopping.
The women who lead many of India’s successful startups are role models to many. Payel is also one who well known female whos led succesful startups in India.
She belive that....
The truth is, great success in business grows from just one, tiny seed.
Plz do visit our insta profile and website
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